Derived hyperquot schemes, joint with Sergej Monavari and Andrea T. Ricolfi, pre-print (2024).
Mixed graded structures on Chevalley-Eilenberg functors, Adv. Math. (2024).
A t-structure on the ∞-category of mixed graded modules, J. Homotopy Relat. Struct. (2023).
Selected seminars and talks
Derived hyperquot schemes. (TRINO, SISSA, 2024.)
Sheaves of categories over topological and coaffine stacks. (Longitudinal Algebra and Geometry Open ONline Seminar, 2024.)
Categorifying 𝔼ₙ-Koszul duality. (Università degli Studi di Firenze, 2024.)
Local systems of higher categories and higher Koszul duality. (Séminaire de l’équipe TA, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, 2024.)
t-structures on ∞-categories with an application to mixed graded complexes. (2nd ItaCa Workshop, Università degli Studi di Genova, 2021.)
An introduction to derived algebraic geometry: Calabi-Yau structures and symplectic stacks. (PhD2ays 2019, Università degli Studi di Milano Statale, 2019.)
Conferences and workshops
TULSF IX (A meeting in Algebraic Geometry) (Trieste, November 2024)
PhD2ays (Milano, December 2020)
2nd ItaCa Workshop (Genova, December 2021)
PhD2ays (Milano, October 2019)
Quantization in Representation Theory, Derived Algebraic Geometry, and Gauge Theory (Les Diablerets, September 2024)
Algebro-geometric techniques for physics: bundles, stacks and supergeometry WAGP24 (A celebration of Daniel Hernández Ruipérez’s 70th Birthday) (Trieste, June 2024)
(∞,n)-Categories and their applications (Utrecht, April 2024)
Categories and stacks in algebraic geometry and algebraic topology CATS 7 (Bertand Toën’s 50th birthday) (Marseille, October 2023)
TRIeste: Topological Recursion and Integrability (Trieste, September 2023)
Refined Invariants in Moduli Theory (Trieste, May 2023)
The Six-Functor Formalism and Motivic Homotopy Theory (Milano, September 2021)
New Perspectives in Gromov-Witten Theory (Paris, June 2019)
Young Perspectives in Deformation Theory (Torino, November 2018)
1st ItaCa Workshop (Milano, December 2019)
Homotopical algebra (with a look toward derived algebraic geometry) at SISSA, 2025.
Informal introductory lectures on Higher Category Theory and Homotopical Algebra at SISSA, 2022/2023. (Notes available here.)
Exercises for the Geometria II course at University of Milan, 2018/19-2021/22. (Some exercises sheets, with solutions, are available here.)
Exercises for the Elementi di Matematica di Base course at University of Milan, 2020/21-2021/22.
Exercises for the Algebra 1 course at University of Milan, 2016/17.
Rational homotopy theory seminar
Reading seminar on rational homotopy theory at SISSA, 2024/2025. Info and schedule available here.
Expository notes
Moduli spaces of level n structures on elliptic curves. (For the PhD course Elliptic Curves, held by Jeff Yelton at the University of Milan, 2019)
Mixed Hodge structures on non-singular algebraic varieties. (For the PhD course Hodge Theory, held by Luigi Lombardi at the University of Milan, 2019; only in Italian)